The main purpose and mission of Alcoholics Anonymous members is to stay sober and help others achieve sobriety. So that even when someone has overcome their addiction, they stay within the fellowship and help others overcome their addiction, and this also keeps them from relapsing.
Registration: $ 15
The Dinner and Dance location:
Club de Los Leones
Dinner Dance: $ 35
A limited number of individual translation service is available for selected events.
T-shirts and caps $10
(Extra large $12)
Contact: Margarita +1 (787) 532-0465
14 Sur Calle Iglesia, Mayagüez, PR 00680
585 PR-104, Mayagüez, 00682
70 C. Méndez Vigo, Mayagüez, 00680
Best Western
9-10 am. Willingness is the Key
Chair: Gail Lead: Prentis
10-10.30 am Coffee Break
10.30-11.45 am. Variety of Ways to Faith
Chair: Elizabeth Lead: Mary
1.30-2.45 pm Experience, Strength, and Hope
3 Speakers
Proviana, Ino (Florida), Tony S (Florida), Kitty M.
9-10 am Relationships- Now About Sex
Based on the 4th Step inventory.
Chair: Zoraida Lead: Kelly
10-10.30 am: Coffee Break
10.30 -11.45 am
Panel The 3 Legacies: Recovery, Unity, Service
Chair: Franco G.
Leads: Paola (GSO), Ino (Miami), Gary.