The main purpose and mission of Alcoholics Anonymous members is to stay sober and help others achieve sobriety. So that even when someone has overcome their addiction, they stay within the fellowship and help others overcome their addiction, and this also keeps them from relapsing.
There are meetings for you and for every alcoholic, who wants help. You can find additional meetings in our area here. There are likely meetings close to your home, so find a group that you can relate to and join us anytime. Try and attend as many meetings as you can and don’t drink in between them.
We meet in-person at the Caribbean 12 Step: 1060 Ponce de León, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00907 Please join us for our daily in-person meetings at 7:30 AM and 6:00 PM.
Although you will want to attend other meetings, you will want to have a “Home Group”. At our home group we find the individual support and encouragement we need to meet life’s daily challenges. Other meetings provide the variety of people and ideas we need in our recovery.
Just as we are a member of A.A. by saying so, we join a home group by declaring ourselves a member. It is at the home group that we do our early service to A.A. and start giving back what we have been so freely given.
A sponsor is a member who has made progress in the recovery program and sober living. One-on-one sharing of our experience, strength, and hope with our sponsor and others is a cornerstone of A.A. recovery. Though other people can’t solve your problems for you, they can help you deal with them by using the principles of the A.A. program.
Questions and Answers on Sponsorship
We may stay sober one day at a time, or if necessary one hour at a time. We do our jobs, solve our problems and clean up our past, just one item at a time.