The main purpose and mission of Alcoholics Anonymous members is to stay sober and help others achieve sobriety. So that even when someone has overcome their addiction, they stay within the fellowship and help others overcome their addiction, and this also keeps them from relapsing.

The Only Requirement

"At one time . . . every A.A. group had many membership rules. Everybody was scared witless that something or somebody would capsize the boat. . . The total list was a mile long. If all those rules had been in effect everywhere, nobody could have possibly joined A.A. at all . . ."


I'm grateful that the Third Tradition only requires of me a desire to stop drinking. I had been breaking promises for years. In the Fellowship I didn't have to make promises, I didn't have to concentrate. It only required my attending one meeting, in a foggy condition, to know I was home.

I didn't have to pledge undying love. Here, strangers hugged me. "It gets better," they said, and "one day at a time, you can do it." They were no longer strangers, but caring friends. I ask God to help me reach out to people desiring sobriety, and to, please, keep me grateful!

From the book Daily Reflections 
© Copyright 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

A Unique Program

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